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Chapter 23 DQ

Chapter 23 DQ

Q Distinguish between a shipment contract and a destination contract and explain when title and risk of loss pass under each.

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A shipment contract is part of the sale of goods transaction that is being properly administered by the Uniform Commercial Code. Basically, a shipment contract is mainly being used amid a buyer and the seller, in such scenarios, it is the buyer who mainly tackles the risk for any kind of loss that has incurred especially when the shipping process of the goods are ongoing. Usually under article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, a shipment contract is on way within which both the buyer and the seller would communicate to deal with for allocating the risk of loss amid a buyer as well as the seller especially when the goods have been lost or has been damaged just before the buyer has obtained those from the seller and at the same time the buyer or the seller should not be blamed for the loss incurred (Mann & Roberts, n.d.). It is within a shipment contract, where the buyer bears the risk of loss for the goods before completely receiving it.